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COVID-19 Resources

LACHSA Return to School:

Transition from 100% distance learning to a hybrid model of instruction

The plan below builds on previous return models, data, and guidelines, and modifies them to outline a 100% capacity return to live, in-person instruction while minimizing the risks of COVID transmission. As restrictions begin to ease and LACHSA is given parameters for re-opening, we are continuing a “scale-up” model that ensures the safest approach to re-introducing students and staff to the campus. One of the most important factors driving the creation of this model is the fact that we must comply with CSULA’s requirements in order to use their rooms and studios.

Safety and Health Precautions

The following represent the many steps we have taken throughout the past year to increase overall safety at LACHSA:

Vaccinations for staff and students are now mandatory in order to come on campus. Weekly testing is mandatory for all students or staff who are unvaccinated. Testing may not be waived for any unvaccinated person. Further testing for any students or staff may be required if and when guidance is changed. Outdoor instructional spaces have been created or designated around the LACHSA campus to provide additional room for safe, outdoor learning on a space-available basis. We have upgraded sound in our amphitheatre, have purchased a new stage, and will overhaul its lighting capabilities over the course of the year, all to provide safe, outdoor instructional and performance space. We are beginning a project to add instructional outdoor space on our roof, though this may take a year to complete. PPE gear is made available to all staff and students who request them, including a reusable mask, a face shield, desk shield, and an antimicrobial desk mat. More safety gear will be ordered as needed. Sanitizer and disinfecting wipes are available in every room. Ventilation LACOE has implemented the following best practices for the heating and air conditioning systems in all LACOE schools that to meet the highest standards of air quality indoors:

  • Installation MERV 13 filters or the highest-rated filter that the building system will accept

  • Sealed edges of the filters

  • Runs the system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

  • Runs the system on 100% outside fresh air with no recirculation

Additionally, we have updated all LACOE heating and air conditioning systems with ionization filtration systems to better clean the air throughout our schools.

Social Distancing - Classrooms have been organized to provide 3 feet of social distancing where possible, and student desks have been spread out in such a manner, so students may maintain a distance from one another, as well as the teacher. Office spaces have been reorganized as well to help staff maintain social distancing, and a full office remodel is being planned to ensure a safe workplace for our staff. Signage has been posted in and throughout our school facility to remind people of COVID safety measures, including keeping their masks on at all times and maintaining a 3-foot distance whenever possible. Screening is conducted daily using Qualtrics software for all staff and students. All are screened for COVID-like symptoms, and the system can record vaccination status. A Covid Prevention Plan (CPP) has been developed for each school site. An exposure management plan has been included to support student and staff safety in the event of on-site virus detection. LACOE has implemented a contact-tracing protocol for any student or staff who may be exposed within the workplace. An LEA-wide COVID Guidance Checklist that is posted on the LACOE website.

Equity and access to technology

All LACHSA Students have continued access to school-issued laptops and a My-fi wireless hotspot upon request. LACHSA Administration and staff are available to families to ensure that all students have working technology.

LACHSA has implemented Implicit Bias Training, in partnership with LACOE, with data-driven follow-ups occurring during periodic staff meetings. A Social Justice Steering Committee (students, parents, staff, community members) meets regularly to address issues of social justice standards in teaching and learning, equity and inclusion. LACHSA has hired an Equity Coordinator to work ensure an increasingly diverse, safe, and inclusive student body and school experience.

Special education and populations needing support

LACHSA practices a Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) approach to addressing supports for students. All students receive universal supports; including embedded advisory time, teacher office hours, and much more. For students who are struggling with performing at grade level, our remote learning plan includes time for intervention. The MTSS team is led by the school psychologist, whose team actively identifies struggling students with data and brings in Tier 2 interventions. Tier 3 students are supported by individual plans that include check-ins and coaching. The governing board along with stakeholder input will revise and/or create an alternate plan for frequent live interaction that ensures a comparable level of service and school connectedness. Additional funding is available to provide tutoring and socio-emotional supports.

Special Education will ensure that all accommodations necessary to ensure that IEPs can be executed successfully. All supports (both academic and emotional) will be reviewed via IEP Addendums as needed. English Learners will receive additional assistance and support, and all testing will be done in a timely manner.

In addition to a safe return to school, the following, current information is added (revisions will post as current information is received):

  • Indoor masking is required for everyone at K-12 Schools, regardless of vaccination status; customary exceptions apply

  • It is recommended to include vaccinated individuals after COVID-19 exposure and in surveillance testing programs, if testing capacity allows.

  • In alignment with current Health Officer Order, employees exempt from wearing masks indoors must be tested regularly.

  • A mask is not required when individual is the only person present in a room or contiguous workspace.

  • Students granted a reasonable accommodation in the form of mask exemption due to a disability or other condition need not be excluded from in-person education. However, such students must be tested for COVID-19 weekly.

  • Students who are excluded from campus because they will not wear a face covering, or refuse testing, will be offered alternative educational opportunities such as Independent Study placement.

  • Physical distancing strategies are still recommended as long as they do not interfere with full-time attendance for all students.

  • PE classes falls under the 100% masking requirement if class is held indoors.

  • Fully vaccinated individuals who are close contacts to a case do not need to quarantine but it is strongly recommended that such individuals be tested after exposure regardless of vaccination status.


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Sep 03, 2024

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