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Exterior of modern building made of brick and metal

Mandatory Signature for Parents

Updated: Apr 7, 2021

LACHSA Return to Campus Procedures and Guidelines Welcome back to campus! Our staff and faculty have been hard at work preparing the facilities for a safe reopening, and we are excited to see students in academic and arts classes once again. For the next eight weeks or so, students will have access to their teachers and the building for one another for one day a week, and while that’s not much, I’m confident it will be a day to look forward to for the rest of the semester. As I’ve said in the past, our goal is primarily to bolster our young artists’ well-being and their need for social interactions. Students will have a chance to be: In the school they love, With the people they love, Doing what they love to do. What follows are a set of procedures and guidelines to ensure we maintain a safe and healthy environment. In order to be truly safe, we all have to play our part and follow these guidelines. There are quite a few, but all are important. We will also include a one-sheet with the main points, to help students remember.

Introduction Parents, guardians, and students: To ensure a safe return to campus, please review this document carefully and e-sign at the bottom that you understand these procedures and guidelines. Students who are unable to adhere to these guidelines will be asked to complete the semester entirely online. Here is the LACHSA Hybrid Model document. It’s a good refresher on how instruction will take place in this new model. Note: If you are a new student to LACHSA (2020-21 is your first school year with us), you must have complete immunization records on file. There is a short grace period, but proof of current immunizations is required to continue enrollment in the school. If you have not turned in these documents or are not sure, please email Nurse Donna Jones (


Important Information

  • If you are attending the academics block, we will open the building from 8:00 - 8:45.

  • If you are attending only the arts block, we will admit you from 1:15 - 1:30.

  • You may not come to campus on any day other than your assigned day.

  • You must bring your fully charged laptop and charger. We cannot guarantee access to electric outlets in classrooms or outdoors.

  • Bring your own headphones with a microphone (common phone earbuds with a mic and standard audio jack work fine) if you do not wish to have a school-issued headset.

  • You must bring all food and beverages (including water), unless they are receiving free or reduced-price lunch. There is no campus food service, no vending machines, and all water fountains are not available.

  • You should wear comfortable, layered clothes appropriate for outdoors instruction, and while we are trying to provide ample shade, you may wish to bring sunscreen.

  • No lockers are available. You may not store any items in the office--you need to carry everything with you throughout the day.

  • Follow one-way directions in and around LACHSA’s building.

  • Use designated entrances and exits only

  • Follow directions from teachers or supervision

  • Pay attention to PA announcements

  • Absence verification forms are to be dropped off outside the main office sliding window, or emailed to .


Before You Leave Home

  • Students, staff, and anyone visiting the LACHSA campus must complete the Daily LACOE Symptom Check Survey (students must use their account)

  • There is a button to the symptom check on our website as well. You may opt for automatic text or email reminders when you first complete the survey.

  • If you do not receive a green check mark from the Symptom Check Survey or do not feel well, you must stay home. Symptoms may include: cough, fever chills, shortness of breath, sore throat, muscle pain, loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, feeling nauseous or vomiting, feeling tired, headache, and poor appetite. If you display any of these symptoms upon arrival, you will not gain access to the building.

  • If you become ill while at school, you will be isolated from the population. A parent, guardian, or other adult must come pick you up ASAP.

  • If you are traveling outside of California (during spring break) we recommend you get tested 1-3 days prior and 3 -5 days after return. A 10-day quarantine is required after your return to Los Angeles County.

  • LACHSA’s main office will remain closed to visitors except by appointment (email or the person you need to meet with); meetings will be held virtually in all possible cases.


Arriving at School

  • IMPORTANT: We anticipate a smaller number of students attending academics classes in the morning, and a larger influx arriving for the arts block. To maintain safe distancing, we are asking students who will attend only the arts classes to arrive no earlier than 1:15 for the check-in process. These students should eat their lunch before arriving at school, but may bring a snack and beverage.

  • Student drop off and pick up is located on the top level of parking Lot C, located directly opposite the Luckman Auditorium, next to the LOFT. You will be directed by Parking Enforcement officers where to drop off students. Staff parking will be on the second level anywhere marked “Faculty.” All persons must walk down the parking lot stairs or take the elevator to the ground level and then follow signage to enter LACHSA’s building.

  • Take the sidewalk on the 1st floor to the far left end of the building and line up along the wall 6 feet apart for entry clearance.

  • Those students who wish to drive to school, parking is on the top floor of Lot C. You will need to purchase a permit.


Once in the Building

  • Once cleared for entry, you will receive a wristband that allows for re-entry into the building during passing periods.

  • A face mask must be worn at all times inside and outside the building. Masks may be removed for eating as long as a 6 foot distance is maintained.

  • Teachers must be in their rooms at 8:00 a.m. to receive and supervise students.

  • Please follow directional signs, go directly into your classroom, and take a seat at your desk.

  • During breaks and passing periods, you must follow a one-way route to and from everywhere on campus. Please do not backtrack, even if your destination is just several doors behind you.

  • Adult supervisors will be stationed throughout the building; please follow their guidance when asked.

  • Only one person will be allowed in the restrooms at a time.

  • When your class is over, please wipe down your work area and seat with a sanitizing wipe.


Lunch Break

  • The CSULA campus is not offering any services and there are no restaurants, bookstores, shops, Starbucks, or vending machines. No food or beverages are available (except LACHSA’s free and reduced lunches) and you may not leave campus or order food delivery.

  • There are no microwave or heating ovens available.

  • When your morning classes end, you may go to the amphitheatre to eat lunch, study, and socialize with friends (maintaining a 6’ distance).

  • You may not go to the front of the building for lunch, as there will be a line-up for students arriving for the arts block.

  • Students arriving for just the arts block will be admitted at 1:15 p.m. and proceed to their classes; they will not eat lunch in the amphitheatre. (They should eat lunch before arriving and have a snack and beverage for the afternoon.)

  • When lunch is over, you will follow the one-way route directly to your class and not gather in the halls.


Arts Instruction

  • Monday - Visual Arts: Classes in multiple rooms; Department Chair Markowitz will notify everyone of the specific course locations.

  • Tuesday - Music: The largest department at LACHSA will use numerous rooms in the building, and also the LOFT, Amphitheatre, other outdoor instructional spaces.

  • Wednesday - Cinematic Arts and Dance 9th/12th grade: The two departments will be separated, with Cinematic Arts having use of multiple outdoor spaces and the entire first floor (rooms on the south side all have doors for extra air circulation). Dancers will be in the LOFT, Amphitheatre, and second floor studios.

  • Thursday - Theatre Arts: Each grade level will rotate through the venues and outdoor instruction areas, plus have use of any rooms in the building.

  • Friday - Dance 10th/11th grade: Dancers will be in the LOFT, Amphitheatre, and second floor studios.


Leaving School

  • When arts classes are over, you may be picked up where you were dropped off; parents may arrive a few minutes early to Parking Structure C top level and park, staying in the car until pick up. You will not have to buy a permit.

  • Students must be picked up immediately after class ends and exit campus. Do not stay or hang out in the parking area or school.

  • You may not walk from the top of the staircase into the street and to the top of the garage; you must enter the first floor of the garage and take the steps or elevator to the top floor.

  • You will exit from the appropriate doors based on where you’re last class is:

  • 1st floor: Leave through the east double doors and take the front sidewalk to the garage.

  • Amphitheatre: Walk around the building to the front sidewalk and go to the garage.

  • 2nd floor: Exit the west double doors, and go down the staircase to the garage.

  • LOFT: Walk down the west (cement) staircase to the garage.


Emergency Procedures Safety and emergency procedures have been developed and approved by the CSULA Emergency Management team. In the event of an evacuation of the building, students will exit at the nearest point of egress and assemble with their classes in the first floor of the Lot C parking garage. In the event of an earthquake, students will evacuate to the outside front of our building--they will not assemble in the garage.


Understanding and Agreement We are always updating and improving our plan to ensure the best experience and safety of our students. Elements of this document may evolve as the situation dictates, but please take a moment to sign below to indicate that you understand and agree to observe the guidelines while on the LACHSA campus. One parent/guardian MUST sign the agreement by clicking the button below prior to your child attending classes.


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